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Become a professional nurse and serve a vital role in our health care system, including that of an advocate for health care consumers. Wright State's nursing program will help prepare you to become a self-directed nurse who can function as a generalist in multiple settings. You will collaborate with other professionals to coordinate and improve the health care of individuals, families, and communities.
Wright State University is currently offering three-year (year-round) and four-year (summers off) programs at the Dayton Campus. The Lake Campus offers only the four-year (summers off) program.
The Wright State University undergraduate nursing program leads to a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (B.S.N.) degree. An honors program is available for students with superior academic ability.
The program offers a traditional pathway for students who are admitted to the program in their sophomore year or via direct admit from high school. This program is offered at both the Dayton and the Lake campuses.
The professional nurse is increasingly being viewed as the nucleus of the health care system, as well as serving as an advocate for health care consumers. Therefore, Wright State's program prepares self-directed graduates who can function as generalists in a number of settings and work in collaboration with other health professionals to coordinate and improve the health care of individuals, families, and communities.
The baccalaureate degree program in nursing (B.S.N.) at Wright State University is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (http://www.ccneaccreditation.org) and approved by the Ohio Board of Nursing. Graduates of the pre-licensure pathways are eligible to sit for the National Council of State Boards Licensing Examination (NCLEX) to become licensed as registered nurses.
Successful completion of the B.S.N. meets the educational requirements for the RN license in Ohio as regulated by the Ohio Board of Nursing.
Successful completion of the B.S.N. meets the educational requirements for RN licensure in all other states, but other requirements may vary from state to state. If you are planning to pursue RN licensure in a state other than Ohio, please contact the licensing entity in that state to seek information and guidance regarding that state's licensure or certification requirements.
Nurses care for individuals and families from birth to death in local as well as international communities. Workplace environments can include newborn nurseries to elderly care facilities and school clinics to the World Health Organization. A nursing education prepares you to participate in research to improve the health of people and/or improve health care practices.
The School of Nursing has contracts with more than 200 agencies in the area, including hospitals, rehabilitation centers, county health departments, nursing homes, school systems, senior citizens centers, and daycare centers which can be used for clinical experiences and/or research. You will be introduced to the varied aspects of nursing through theory and research in the classroom. Outside the classroom, you will have clinical experiences in health assessment, maternity, pediatrics, adult health, community health, mental health, and complex care settings. You will complete more than 750 hours in clinical practice, laboratory, and simulated settings. Based on space availability, your classes and clinical experiences may be offered days, evenings, or weekends. During your final semester, you will complete a preceptorship during which you work alongside a registered nurse in a healthcare setting.
Join the College of Health, Education, and Human Services for a tour of our Nursing Skills Lab. To schedule your tour, please visit the Undergraduate Admissions Campus Visits, Events, and Open Houses website and choose one of the dates listed in the Nursing Skills Lab Tours area.
Students seeking a full campus tour will need to register for that separately on the "Schedule a visit today" link on that page.
View Bachelor of Science in Nursing program information, all degree requirements, and graduation planning strategy in the Academic Catalog.
If you are admitted to the nursing program, review the posted undergraduate student handbook for your pattern and program of study. The six-semester nursing curriculum plan will change beginning Fall 2023 for new students.
Admission to the nursing program is competitive due to constraints of the affiliating clinical facilities and program resources. The most highly qualified applicants are selected based on the following criteria: application information, prerequisite course work GPA, cumulative undergraduate course work GPA (only includes coursework completed within the last 10 years), and criminal records check.
The number of students accepted is dependent on available resources. The nursing department maintains no waiting list. To be reconsidered for a subsequent admission period, you must reapply to the program and compete for admission with all other applicants for that period.
Admitted students may not defer entrance to the program; they must reapply. Prior acceptance does not guarantee acceptance at a later date.
All applicants for admission to the nursing program receive consideration regardless of race, gender, national origin, religion, creed, age, political views, sexual orientation, marital status, or veteran status.
Wright State students who are in their first semester, directly from high school, cannot transfer into Nursing as an Intended Major within two weeks before the start of their first semester or at any time during their first semester. Please see the procedure and requirements for changing your academic program to nursing as your intended major linked here.
1. Be admitted to Wright State University as a matriculated (degree-seeking) student.
2. Provide evidence of a clean/clear criminal records check from both the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation) or applicable state. Results of background checks must be sent directly to the appropriate Nursing campus.
3. Successfully complete the following prerequisite courses or their equivalent with a grade of C or better, while maintaining a minimum prerequisite GPA of 2.75:
a. Anatomy 2100 (Human Anatomy I)
b. English 1100 (Composition I)
c. Psychology 1010 (Introductory)
d. Psychology 3410 (Lifespan Developmental)
e. Chemistry 1020 (Organic)
f. Biology 1070, 1120 or 1150
g. Anatomy 2120 (Human Anatomy II)*
h. Statistics 1600*
*Although not prerequisites, ANT 2120 and STT 1600 are best taken freshman year to ensure proper sequencing of courses so students meet all future prerequisite course requirements.
NOTE: Students who began the Anatomy and Physiology series Fall 2015 or beyond must provide evidence of taking both Anatomy and Physiology courses at the same institution to ensure coverage of all necessary content prior to starting their nursing series of courses. This requirement will be only be waived for students who provide documentation in the form of a course syllabus or other similar documentation that provides evidence of all required anatomy and physiology content.
4. In meeting the admission prerequisite courses or progression requirements:
a. Students may repeat any science course once (ANT 2100, 2120; BIO 1070, 1120, 1150; CHM 1020; HLT 2000; HLT 3400; BIO 2200).
b. Only two science courses may be repeated
c. All natural science courses must be current (taken within 10 years of acceptance to the program).
5. Complete all undergraduate coursework with a minimum of 2.75 cumulative GPA (only includes coursework completed within the last 10 years).
Offers of direct admission for Fall 2024 will automatically be made to any 2024 high school graduate meeting the following criteria (no separate application is required):
* Most students apply to the nursing program after their first year at Wright State.
Please see the below section for Progression Requirements that must be completed after admission and before starting nursing courses.
Prelicensure BSN - Student Checklist for Nursing Compliance Requirements
Upon receipt of your acceptance letter to the B.S.N. program, set up your CastleBranch (CB) account. Then complete all of these items and load them into your CB account by August 1 for Fall Semester or December 15 for Spring Semester.
*Review Handbooks and Requirements for more information on these items:
If you fail to submit all of these documents by the deadline, you may be ineligible to progress in the nursing program.
In addition, be sure to order and purchase your nursing uniforms. See Handbooks and Requirements for information.
BSN CURRICULUM Please meet with an advisor for scheduling |
Course |
Title |
Credit Hours |
PSY 1010 |
Introduction to Psychology |
4 |
CHM 1020 |
Organic Chemistry |
4 |
BIO 1070, 1120, or 1150 |
Biology Core |
4 |
ENG 1100 |
English Composition |
3 |
STT 1600 |
Statistics |
4 |
HLT 2000 |
Introduction to Nursing |
3 |
ENG 2100 |
Research and Argument |
3 |
ANT 2100 |
Human Anatomy I |
4 |
ANT 2120 |
Human Anatomy II |
4 |
BIO 2200 |
Microbiology |
4 |
SOC 2000 |
Introduction to Sociology |
3 |
HLT 3400 |
Pharmacology |
3 |
PSY 3410 |
Lifespan Psychology |
3 |
WSC E3 |
Global Traditions |
3 |
WSC E3 |
Western Civilization History |
3 |
WSC E4 |
Arts & Humanities |
3 |
Elective 1 |
3 |
Elective 2 |
3 |
NUR 2200 |
Fundamentals & Skills I |
5 |
NUR 2300 |
Fundamentals & Skills II |
5 |
NUR 2600 |
Pathophysiology |
3 |
NUR 3200 |
Family |
3 |
NUR 3300 |
Evidence-Based Practice |
3 |
NUR 3421 |
Mental Health |
4 |
NUR 3440 |
Obstetrics |
4 |
NUR 3460 |
Pediatrics |
4 |
NUR 3480 |
Care of Adults |
7 |
NUR 4421 |
Critical Care |
7 |
NUR 4441 |
Public Health |
4 |
NUR 4461 |
Leadership/Preceptorship |
10 |
Total Credit Hours |
120 |
Successful completion of the B.S.N. meets the educational requirements for the RN license in Ohio as regulated by the Ohio Board of Nursing.
Successful completion of the B.S.N. meets the educational requirements for RN licensure in all other states, but other requirements may vary from state to state. If you are planning to pursue RN licensure in a state other than Ohio, please contact the licensing entity in that state to seek information and guidance regarding that state’s licensure or certification requirements.
School of Nursing
Location: 225 Millett Hall
Phone: 937-775-3132
Fax: 937-775-4571
Email: nursing@wright.edu
Finding the right college means finding the right fit. See all that the College of Health, Education, and Human Services has to offer by visiting campus.