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Curriculum and Academic Policies Committee

The college's Undergraduate Curriculum and Academic Policies Committee reviews and approves course and program changes, and assesses the policies surrounding both.

Diversity Committee

The Diversity Committee is a special interest committee. The committee will make recommendations to CHEH through liaison/representation on the Faculty Affairs Committee. Special Interest Committees will request volunteers for membership annually. These committees may include a representative(s) from each of the four CHEH schools, and may include CHEH faculty, staff, and students.

The functions of this committee include, but are not limited to reviewing, recommending, and providing:

  • Leadership, structure, and oversight for implementation and assessment efforts related to the college's commitment to diversity issues
  • Issues of student recruitment, retention, scholarships and college climate.

The committee makes a written quarterly report on committee findings, recommendations, and actions to the CHEH Senate. The Assistant Dean for Assessment and Accreditation and the Associate Dean, Partnerships and Field Experiences or their designees, serve as ex-officio, non-voting members. The Diversity Committee Chair submits a written report each semester on committee recommendations and actions to the Faculty Affairs Committee.

Faculty Affairs Committee

The Faculty Affairs Committee is composed of an annually elected at-large representative and a representative from each of the four CHEH schools. The functions of this committee include, but are not limited to reviewing and recommending (a) standards and faculty proposals for the Professional Development Leave program (b) recognition of teaching, scholarship, service excellence, recognition of support staff, and/or community support excellence, (c) faculty development grants, and (d) arrangements for the annual retreat. The committee chair makes a written quarterly report on committee findings, recommendations, and actions to the CHEH Senate. The Associate Dean of CHEH serves as an ex-officio, non-voting member.

Faculty Senate


Graduate Studies Committee

The Graduate Studies Committee is composed of an annually elected at-large faculty representatives, a representative from each of the four CHEH schools. The Associate Dean and the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs serve as ex-officio, non-voting members.

The functions of this committee include, but are not limited to reviewing and recommending

  1. Policy and procedures
  2. Graduate Academic and Admission petitions
  3. Licensure, program changes and new degree proposals
  4. Graduate Course Inventory and Course Modification requests
  5. Applications from faculty for regular and adjunct Graduate Faculty status
  6. Candidates for graduate scholarships

Committee recommendations are forwarded to the Dean of the School of Graduate Studies and/or CHEH dean as appropriate. The committee chair makes a written quarterly report on committee findings, recommendations, and actions to the CHEH Senate.


Contact Information

GSC Coordinator

Local Professional Development (LPDC)

The College of Health, Education, and Human Services (CHEH), Local Professional Development Committee (LPDC) provides guidance and a process for full-time and adjunct members of the Wright State University faculty and staff assigned to the College of Health, Education, and Human Services to renew educator certificates/licenses in the state of Ohio.

Mission Statement

The mission of the CHEH Local Professional Development Committee shall be to set policies and procedures for the approval of professional development activities for the renewal of educator certificates/licenses by full-time and adjunct Wright State University faculty and staff assigned to the CHEH.

Recognizing that professional development is an ongoing, lifelong process, the CHEH LPDC seeks to encourage and enable college faculty and staff to serve as the primary designers of professional development plans supporting their own goals, as well as the needs of their students, the college, and Wright State University.


CHEH LPDC Policies and Procedures

CHEH LPDC License Renewal Process Flow Chart

Guidelines for Coursework and Continuing Education Unit Options


All forms can be found and submitted via the LPDC Pilot page. Faculty and staff who do not have access should contact the LPDC chair.

Options for Alignment of Educator Licenses

Ohio educators who have multiple license types now have increased flexibility regarding the alignment of license validity periods.

Since the implementation of licensure, a "one-license approach" has been utilized and multiple license types have been combined on one professional license spanning the same time period.

Options for Existing Multiple-license Holders

Educators are now able to maintain separate license types, if that suits their professional goals and objectives, each with its own July 1 effective date and June 30 ending date. As a certificate expires and is ready to be transitioned to a license, it may either be issued as a separate five-year professional license with an effective date reflective of the current year, or it may be added to a currently existing five-year professional license the educator holds, and backdated to take on the validity period of that existing license.

New Licenses Issued Separately

When an educator meets requirements for provisional or professional licensure in an additional area through completion of an approved licensure program or pathway, or qualifies to advance from a provisional to a professional license, the new license will be issued as a separate license with a current effective year and will not be backdated to join an existing license.

License Renewal

The requirements for license renewal remain unchanged, regardless of whether licenses are issued separately or together. Educators who are employed in the schools of Ohio will continue to work through their Local Professional Development Committees, have an individual professional development plan (IPDP) in place prior to completion of professional development work, and the work will need to have been completed since the issuance of the certificate or license to be renewed/transitioned.

Whether licenses are issued together or separately, educators should continue to work with their LPDCs to ensure that IPDPs are properly maintained.

Contact Information for Options for Educators

Office of Educator Licensure

Nominations and Elections Committee

The Nominations and Elections Committee is composed of an annually elected at-large representative and a representative from each of the four CHEH schools, and may include up to two non-voting CHEH students. The functions of this committee include but are not limited to

  • Verifying eligibility and confirming interest in committee service
  • Preparing ballots,
  • Organizing and conducting elections for all elected positions and councils
  • Notifying the successful candidates of election outcome
  • Reporting elections results to the CHEH Senate, CHEH faculty, and the dean.

The committee chair makes a written quarterly report on committee findings, recommendations, and actions to the CHEH Senate.

Promotion and Tenure Committee

The Promotion and Tenure Committee is composed of three annually elected at-large representatives and a representative from each of the four CHEH schools. All members of the College Promotion and Tenure Committee must be tenured, hold at least the rank of associate professor, and be a bargaining unit faculty (BUF) member or department chair. Furthermore, the committee will consist of at least two associate professors, at least two full professors, and no more than two representatives from any department. The functions of this committee include, but are not limited to reviewing and recommending CHEH candidates for promotion and/or tenure. The committee chair makes a written quarterly report on committee findings, recommendations, and activities to the CHEH Senate. The college representative to the University P&T Committee is an ex-officio, non-voting member of this committee.

Additional Promotion and Tenure Procedures include the following:

  • The dean or his/her designee must be present in an ex-officio, non-voting role.
  • The dean will convene the committee and a chairperson will be elected from among the voting members.
  • The elected committee chair will write a letter describing the committee's support or non-support to be included in the promotion and/or tenure seeking faculty member's P&T file.
  • If elected to the committee, department chairs will not vote on candidates from their department.
  • All discussions are confidential.
  • All votes are written and confidential and are limited to yes or no.
  • The Department Promotion and Tenure committee oversees the candidate's preparation of the P&T document and ensures compliance with all required documents listed in the CBA.

Technology Committee

The Technology Committee is composed of an annually elected at-large representative, a representative from each of the four CHEH schools, up to two non-voting CHEH students, and may include (with a majority vote of the committee) non-voting staff from adjunct or support staff positions from within the university. The functions of this committee include, but are not limited to

  • Seeking out and transmitting technology related information to the CHEH community of learners,
  • Assisting with the development, evaluation, and dissemination of the CHEH Technology Plan,
  • Collecting information from CHEH faculty related to technology issues, and
  • Ensuring that faculty and staff have access to information about hardware, software and policies related to technology.

The committee chair makes a quarterly written report on committee findings, recommendations, and actions to the CHEH Senate. The associate dean of CHEH or designee, serves as an ex-officio, non-voting member.

Undergraduate Student Affairs Committee

The Undergraduate Student Affairs Committee is composed of an annually elected at-large representative, a representative from each of the four CHEH schools, and up to two non-voting CHEH students. The functions of this committee include, but are not limited to reviewing and recommending

  • Undergraduate Petitions (exceptions that permit removal of hours and points for courses, late dropping of classes or complete withdrawals and waiving of regulations),
  • Candidates for undergraduate scholarships. Committee recommendations are forwarded to the dean for final recommendation to the instructor or other appropriate university officials.

The committee chair makes a written quarterly report on committee findings, recommendations, and actions to the CHEH Senate. A representative from Student Services will serve as an ex-officio, non-voting member.

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